2021 Season Review

2021 was again an eventful season at Port Eliza Lodge. We once again had to deal with border closures, although the border did open August 9th and we were able to welcome some American guests to the Lodge. The good news is fishing was very good in 2021. The season started off well in mid June with large numbers of Chinook showing up throughout the area, but particularly in the Mushroom Point area. This fishery has become a consistent mainstay for chinook through July. Every year for the past 3 years most of the largest Chinook of the year are caught in this area in late June to Mid July. We had the biggest of the year caught July 4th (34 lbs). Massive schools of squid invade the area, drawing chinook and even halibut in close to shore. This area has eclipsed Ferrer point as the go-to spot for early season chinook.

2021 also saw the return of the Coho! At times there were so many catching chinook was difficult. They were offshore on the Guitar and further out, but also closer in around low rock, middle reef and Pin Rocks at various times. The Inlet fishery got started in Mid July this year with good numbers of chinook showing up at Rosa. Rosa produced the best fishing of the last 3 years there with good catches until some rain in late August moved them along. As August progressed waves of Chinook and Coho kept coming. Pin Rocks, Low Rock, High Rock, Middle Reef all held fish. there was a flurry of activity at Inner black as well, but overall there were not a lot of fish there. North the action shifted from Mushroom to Sandstone in August, and as in 2020, Sandstone had great, sometimes spectacular fishing for Chinooks through August. I started cut plugging there with no flashers and still caught fish (August 24th below)!

Bottom Fish were consistent. We had a an increase in the maximum size limit for Halibut to 133 cm, and we had a 132cm fish come in weighing 75lbs, the seasons largest. The Ling cod limits were increased to 3 per day as well, and ling catches were better than previous years.

Finally we did have some tuna fishing out of the Lodge. there were Tuna to be had 25-40 miles out when the weather permitted.

We are booking up fast for 2022. We still have some prime time guided trips available and Bring your own boat spaces. If you are interested in a fishing adventure for 2022 please send Robert a note robert@portelizalodge.com or call 949-456-3791!

Tight Lines



July 8, 2022 Fishing report


2022 Esperanza Inlet Fishing Trips